Hey there!
Here at SafeHaven Freedom Ministries, Inc., we pride ourselves to provide resources in many forms. An area where resources seem to be lacking today is in the media. There is not enough screen time about what is really going on in the world currently. So, when I research and find great information like this one, it’s a privilege to share.
I really wanted to take a minute to drop and share an article I wrote on this documentary, Killer High: The Silent Crisis. I believe it is very important, very educational, and very real. I hope that others can have a chance to be more knowledgeable than I was when I received the call in 2021, that my son was gone from fentanyl poisoning. I was that parent, who didn’t know what was going on. I was not equipped that day and turned that trauma into purpose.
It is our mission to bring awareness to you and provide the right tools for you to be better equipped.
The statistics in the 2021 documentary are very different when compared to what they are presently. The latest statistics state this, in the 12-month period ending in Febuary 2022, more than 75,000 Americans died from overdose of synthetic opiods, mainly fentanyl. Thousands of families and loved ones are struggling with incomprehensible loss. Fentanyl is the number one killer of adults 18-45. We cannot forget that each number represents a human life. Below is the article and the documentary for those who would like to watch it. You can go here and scroll down to fill out a Narcan request form.
